Friday, July 14, 2006

6th Sense

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Crude Oil closed at $76.70 a barrel yesterday. Nigeria had some oil installations explosions and Iran threatening oil sanctions seem to have driven up the price. The latest rumor going around the 'oil business' here is gasoline could reach near $4 a gallon. But, it seems like that rumor always follows when the price of crude jumps. So, as usual, we are not believing the latest rumor....for now. Actually, there is a lot of oil in the USA, I am not too worried....yet.

I was rudely awakened this morning before 4am to winds about 65 mph and a thunderstorm coming at us. I tried to go back to sleep with no luck. I suppose all the work I have to do today kept me awake wanting this move to be over and done with! Now it seems this relentless heat is not going to give us any mercy for the big stuff move (furniture, appliances) I read this article first thing this morning when checking the weather, Excessive Heat Watch Issued For Friday Through Monday . Hubby said we'll just move early in the mornings if its very hot, I was kinda hoping for a night-time move!

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Yesterday babysitter B. called when I ran back to town for the hair dryer/trash bags/pizza hut pan pizza (yep, I did NOT cook!) Anyhow, I still havent charged up my cell phone, yeah, I know, its charging now. So, when she tried to call me on it, it went straight to my voicemail. I called her back at her Grandpa's but she was gone to Wal-Mart, he said she had more community service today for her ticket and she would call me when she was done at noon. I am hoping she calls, I have a lot more packing to do and I am not going to get much accomplished with Toddler Terror unpacking as fast as I am packing. Or, sneaking off and getting into something he is not supposed to while I am busy packing. Wee One is too smart for his own good sometimes. You know how toddlers all have that keen 6th sense when they know thier adults are distracted or busy for a few moments, giving them the chance to get themselves into trouble? My Toddler Terror has this skill honed down to almost a supernatural power, I kid you not!


Blogger kel said...

I think that 6th sense for getting in trouble is the first thing kids master!

5:55 AM  
Blogger Sweet and Salty said...

And all parent said, "Amen!"

PS: What a great pic with that beautiful dog!

6:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hiya! Good AM BG! Guess who! I am waiting on time to pass so I can golf cart off to my Dr's appmt. I feel the heat harshly, with all my meds. Makes it difficult to get out. Even in the AC, I feel sick sometimes. Drink lots of water! I hope B gets back to you about babysittig for you soon, you sound at the end of your rope! TT has put you through the ringer lately! We'll "talk"later - take it easy! Diane

8:09 AM  
Blogger BarnGoddess_01 said...

kel-I have no doubt about that!

paval-I need a nanny

brian-in response to the trial info, someone just needs to 'off' that human sewege and save a lot of grief for the family.I would gleefully do it for no charge and Id make sure it suffered horribly. I am so sick of the criminals being protected ones!

Hi diane-have fun speeding around in your golfcart, I bet thats fun! no call from babysitter B yet, Ive taken a break from packing and delivering, TT is being just awful-grrrrrrrr

kari-I wish I was in Ark, I'd invite myself over for a swim in your pool! but..your daughter is just adorable, how could an angle like that be any trouble? heehee


11:26 AM  
Blogger ~ good girl ~ said...

Poor BG xo

And here I am, having a l-a-z-y Friday night in, enjoying my cup of hot chocolate, snacking on crackers and cheese, wondering which DVD to put on.

*runs for life*

I sympathise. I really do! Promise xo I have moved more times than I care to in my life and it is no fun. Especially when a control freak like me who needs everything categorised, packed and labeled properly, and boxes moved into right rooms just so.

I hope the nanny shows soon and hey, hope your hair gets blown just perfect everyday!!

GG xox

12:48 PM  
Blogger Sweet and Salty said...

Hope the nanny shows up real soon, bg, you need a break for sure, especially while moving your stuff.

9:08 PM  
Blogger BarnGoddess_01 said...

GG-if you were in Oklahoma, Id hold you hostage and give you 2 choices 1) babysit Toddler Terror or 2) help move.........!!

just joking, I wouldnt have to hold you hostage, you would offer out of the kindness of your heart, right?

Ill catch ya after my big move!

Paval-that d*amn girl has NOT called and best friend L. cant help until saturday sigh....I HATE not having my family close by. I am in the market for a NEW babysitter!

9:10 PM  
Blogger Celeste said...

The storm came here next.
I can remember my hair being wet the next day if I did not dry it. It still takes about 12 hours to dry without a dryer. I don't own one.
I had 33 inches cut off of it.

8:40 AM  

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