
So here goes with my 5 items:
the purse ( I took a picture with Wee One's help!)
1) dead cell phone that I brought inside to charge last nite, looks like it didnt make it to the charger...oops!
2) $2200.00 worth of jewelry: 2 diamond and gold tennis bracelets, my diamond and gold Bulgari watch, and hubby's wedding ring.
3) keys.
4) Keri hand lotion and Burt's Bees lip gloss
5) my wallet
The fridge:
1) 1/2 gallon whole Milk
2) 20 cans of coca-cola classic
3) last nite's leftovers
4) 3 bottles Mike's Hard Lemonades
5) yogurt
The closet:
1) a lot of shoes, even MORE boots.
2) boxes of shotgun shells on the top shelf (12 gauge and .410)
3) Lots of my clothes.
4) 1 box of hubby's hats (ballcaps).
5) my collection of Dooney and Burke, and Coach purses, all neatly stacked in thier dust bags.
My car:
1) my camera which I removed to take the picture above.
2) a lot of change.
3) Toddler terrors carseat and diaper bag.
4) lip gloss, hand lotion, a small spare make-up bag for emergancies.
5) a small hand made quilt.
The 5 people I am tagging:
Unacknowledged Genius
Brian and Diane
Okay, I'm game!
ps: You really want to know what GG has in her purse?! (grin)
j/k GG...
Hey there BG,
Just relaxing at the spa! Ooh, a massage by such a strong, firm.... I'll tell you all about it tomorrow. Such hard work chasing after such fit atheletes, but I guess from your ropin' and ridin' days you know all about that sorta' thang.
I just looove jewels, especialy when given to me by a hunka burning love. Meow! You do be careful though.
That's not a problem Brian and Diane, I'll be glad to include your Tag in Friday's post! I wouldn't want you to have to flog me now, whould I?:)
kari-I know,I really shouldnt keep any of my good jewelry in my purse! I took it off when we were at our new house saturday and threw it in there.
brian-okay sure!
paval-I am a brave soul, GG let me have it!
dewey-Ill be looking friday then, dont make me whip ya!
Oh Boy, Tagged! I don't know exactly what that means, but it sounds fun! BTW, I couldn't get GG's link to work - said she was unknown. Did webtv screw up? hmmmmm
okay, girlie, i did it
butteryflychic26-Im waiting!
diane-hmmm, Ill check GG out in a few minutes. Tagged means you have to give us the 5 things in your closet, fridge, your purse, car. does brian carry a purse? if not he has to disclose 5 items inside his wallet you give 5 purse items!
unacknowledgedgenius-Im on my way!
Wahhhhhh!! My link doesn't work on your post. The URL is wrong, methinks. *pout* ;-)
Ok, I'm posting mine right now.
Whoopee! It's my first tag. Hehe! I'm so easy to please.
GG xox
GG-oh dear, Ill fix it!
best regards, nice info » »
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