Dog Days
This picture I took after giving Elvis's belly a scratch. Elvis is my weenie dog and a big brat in a tiny package. He is 7 years old and a 'chocolate' mini-daschund. Elvis weighs about 6lbs and is often mistaken for a Chihuahua because he shivers like one and is so small. Elvis's favorite game is fetch with his little green ball and he likes riding in the car. He is a stranger biter so we have to keep an eye on him, he is protective of my 2 boys and his 'territory'. But, once he gets to know someone he is fine. Elvis received his name because he likes music and singing, he likes to join in with his own vocals. He came with his name as a pup and it just stuck. Mosey on over to BoredInKansas and check out Butterflyschic26's daschund kids doggie photos here:
_________________________________________________________ Johnny Depp is a hottie. I can look at him all day long and not tire. Last nite I had a dream he was lost in a snowstorm in the dark and I gave him a ride on my snowmobile (okay, it might not have been him exactly but I did dream I gave a dark and handsome stranger a ride on the Artic Cat to the Pub I used to frequent when I lived in N.MI.) But, that was all the dream consisted of or I remember, nothing X-rated, much to my disappointment!
I think I dreamed about him because while watching the 30 minutes of movie previews at yesterday's matinee, I saw the preview for 'Pirates of The Caribbean, Dead Man's Treasure'. Even with Depp's rotten teeth as Capt. Jack, he is still delicious looking...and Orlando Bloom, well, I have never been attracted to 'delicate' looking men, but he definately looks good too.
Okay, yesterday was somethin' else! My 12 yo, his 12 yo friend, and I went to B-ville to watch the movie 'RV'. Well, when we get to the Mall, after listening to the NFL draft on AM radio the entire 45 minute drive, a stop at K-mart and Atwoods, the boys inform me that they want to see Silent Hill or Scary Movie 4. Well, Scary Movie 4 didnt start until 1 hour later-not an option. So, Silent Hill it was, I like scary movies. I watched about 20 minutes of the thriller and was completely bored, very restless(I think I have adult ADD sometimes), I was not enjoying it at all. So, I left and got a manicure. That only took about 25 minutes, I went back to the Theatre afraid if I was roaming around shopping the boys might sneak off. Anyhow, all I missed was a demon chasing some people around and I was able to see the ending. Do not waste your money on this horror movie. I have watched Scooby Doo movies scarier than this one. Sure it was gross and bloody, but the entire story line, in my opinion was ridiculous. The boys agreed. So there you have it, Silent Hill is a flop, in our 3 opinions......and scary movies is my 12 yo and his friend's specialty.
Anyone else suprised about the NFL draft? Omg, I was for sure. More about that later, maybe.....right now I have to sneak in a morning ride while I can!
cowgirl-my ride was awesome, kinda soggy tho from all the rain. Elvis wears a sweater in the winter sometimes, he's kinda weird.
butterf;ychic26-we like our Elvis...hes such a LAP dog, he sleeps more than any animal I have ever seen.
tara-Turner Falls, is that in TX? howve you been? Ive been over reading your posts, hows the recuperation? some funny stuff youve posted, tell your doc more drugs : )
I don't know nuthin about the draft, but I'm completely agree with you about Johnny Depp!
kristy-Depp certainly is yummy...even as Edward Scissorhands he was cute, and when he played the psycho writer in 'The Secret Window'.
lol, tara, I am not real good on Oklahoma's geography. I know N.MI like the back of my hand. Ardmore is wayyy South of me, but Ive driven near there before. Maybe I better check out this Turner Falls, my hubby will be away from home working in the southern part of Oklahoma and if theres some cool places to camp,visit..I'll load up the boys and we'll have a small vacation when schools out~
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