Friday, April 28, 2006

The Bullrider..R-rated(sorta)

The how and the why I ended up in Oklahoma is a long and complicated story. When people ask me the resaon for my migration South from the great Northern Michigan where I was born and raised, I give them a small condensed version. It is NOT because of my husband S. even tho I did meet him on a trip to Oklahoma before I eventually moved. I'll tell my migration story later, when I am ready.

When I first moved to OK, I met and dated a bullrider from the PBR named Johnnie.
Our relationship was a wild and stormy one. So, since it is what I consider R-rated or PG-13 atleast, I am posting the rest of the post here:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I found your spot by chance. I can relate to a lot of your thinking ways. Enjoyed the pictures, yes I am a man!


2:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


5:09 PM  
Blogger BarnGoddess_01 said...

Brian-okay, Ill check it out

butterfly-those weenie dogs can be brats!

anon-yeah, I am a bit strange at times

cowgirl-lol, like the accent

7:13 PM  
Blogger Rude1 said...

Um, well, what can I say; I likes me some Bettie Page! Now Im off for a cold shower LOL

3:13 PM  
Blogger BarnGoddess_01 said...

Rude1! you are awesome, you KNOW Betty Page, that is her alright. I am suprised, I am a Betty Page fan,too cool....

7:03 PM  

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