Monday, February 27, 2006

trash time

Happy Monday-yeah right! Monday at my homestead is cleaning day-ick. Everything gets a good scrubbing/disinfecting and any litter laying around cluttering that doesnt have a proper place goes into the trashcan. My dear husband, who has pack rat tendencies, and I have had some major disagreements over my 'throw it away' mentality. My mind is cluttered enough, I do not need my physical enviorment to match. Here are a few stories close to home:

WTF?!?!! Where is it written that the Death Penalty should be a painless procedure? okay, maybe some ACLU idiot can find something to that reference but they are a bunch of wacks. Anyhow-these criminals who are sentenced to the Death Penalty havent ended up on Death Row for being good humans. They are there because of a premeditated, heinious crime that they are guilty of committing. So, they have a twinge of pain in thier final minutes, that is NOTHING compared to the pain they have inflicted on thier victim or thier victim's loved ones. I'll stop now or else I could rant about this subject forever.

Another reason NOT to let my 12 year old son use the mens restroom alone:

Here is another heartbreaking story about an abused and ultimately murdered toddler. Raye Dawn Porter makes me sick. As a mother of a 2 year old boy, I am judging this woman who allowed her innocent child be abused and killed by her 'stepfather'. It is time these 'mothers' are held accountable for not protecting thier children.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I live in Tulsa. When I saw the report during the night news I was shocked!

7:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been looking for sites like this for a long time. Thank you! » » »

6:58 PM  

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